About the Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society

Hopkins Society Members at Boston’s African Meeting House, 2009

The Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society was officially established at the Spring 2009 American Literature Association Conference.

Our purpose in establishing the Society is to encourage interest in Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins: her life, her writings, and the issues she explored.  The PEHS aims to foster scholarship and dialogue on Hopkins and her era through conference meetings, publications, and pedagogical resources useful to scholars, teachers, and community members at large.

Hopkins Society By-Laws

Officers of the Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society

President & Historian
John Gruesser, Research Scholar, Natural History Collections, Sam Houston State University & Emeritus Professor and Adjunct Professor of English, Kean University
Vice President
John Barton, Associate Professor, University of Missouri Kansas City
April C. Logan, Associate Professor, Salisbury University
Treasurer & Membership Officer
Tanya Clark, Senior Assistant Professor, Morehouse College
Newsletter Editor
Elizabeth Cali, Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Chair, Program Committee
John Barton, Associate Professor, University of Missouri Kansas City
Chair, Monuments and Awards Committee
Ira Dworkin, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University
Facebook Page Manager
Amy Bennett-Zendzian, Lecturer, Boston University

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