For Humanity: Pauline E. Hopkins Panel at SHSU

In February 2020, Sam Houston State University hosted a panel on Pauline Hopkins as part of its Diversity Reader series. A full video archive of that panel is available on YouTube.

SHSU Senior Research Scholar John Gruesser moderated the event, with panelists Alisha Knight (Washington College), Jocelyn Moody (University of Texas San Antonio), JoAnn Pavletich (University of Houston Downtown), and Ira Dworkin (Texas A&M University) participating.

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ALA Panel Postponed to 2021

Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the cancellation of the American Literature Association’s 2020 meeting, the Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society will postpone its 2020 panel to the next scheduled ALA conference, planned for Boston in May 2021.

We are pleased to announce that all panelists for “Pauline E. Hopkins and Social Justice” plan to join us at that time.

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ALA 2020 Panel: Pauline E. Hopkins and Social Justice

The Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society is pleased to announce its panelists for the 31st Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, to be held May 21-24 in San Diego, California.  A business meeting will follow the panel; times for both will be announced when available.

Pauline E. Hopkins and Social Justice
Organized by the Pauline E. Hopkins Society
Chair: John Cyril Barton, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Respondent: John Gruesser, Sr. Research Scholar, Sam Houston State University

1. “‘After Seeming Death’: Justice and the Making of Equivocal Bodies in Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood,” Hubert Cook, Connecticut College

2. “Creative Plagiarism as Folk Historiography in Pauline Hopkins’s Winona,” Emily Mulvihill, University of California, Riverside

3. “‘Caste Prejudice, race pride, boundless wealth, scintillating intellects’: Pauline Hopkins’s Response to Booker T. Washington in The Colored American and Of One Blood, Kelsey Flint-Martin, University of South Carolina

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Call for Papers: Hopkins Society Panel at ALA 2020

The Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society invites submissions on the topic of “Pauline E. Hopkins and Social Justice” for its panel at the 31st Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, to be held May 21-24 in San Diego, California.

Click here for the full CFP.

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Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society 10th Anniversary Program of Events at ALA 2019

Please join us as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society’s founding through panels, an awards presentation at the African American Literature and Culture Society (AALCS) reception, and a reading of Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins’s award-winning play Peculiar Sam; or the Underground Railroad (1879).Our second panel, a roundtable,  will reflect on the past decade and future of the Society and Hopkins studies, and we are excited to introduce a Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society Achievement Award at the AALCS reception.

Saturday, May 25, 12:40-2:00pm
Title: “Afrofuturism and Pauline Hopkins” (panel)
Chair: Eurie Dahn, The College of Saint Rose

1.     “Afrofuturist Visions of Racial Uplift in the Speculative Fiction of Pauline Hopkins and W. E. B. Du Bois,” Ryan Schneider, Purdue University
2.     “Sonic Futurity in Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood: Or, the Hidden Self,” Maleda A. Belilgne, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
3.     “Generic Insurgence: Pauline E. Hopkins, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Speculative Fiction,” M. Giulia Fabi, University of Ferrara, Italy

Respondent: Shirley Moody-Turner, Penn State University

Saturday, May 25, 2:10-3:30pm
Title: Celebration of Pauline Hopkins Studies: Past, Present, and Future (roundtable)
Chair: Eurie Dahn, The College of Saint Rose

1.     Hanna Wallinger, University of Salzburg
2.     JoAnn Pavletich, University of Houston-Downtown
3.     Brian Sweeney, The College of Saint Rose
4.     Edlie L. Wong, University of Maryland
5.     Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
6.     John Gruesser, Sam Houston State University

Business meeting to follow at 3:40pm.

Saturday, May 25, 6:30-7:30 PM

Presentation of the High School Essay on social justice award, Scholarship Award, and first ever Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society Achievement Award at the African American Literature and Culture Society Reception.

Saturday, May 25, 7:30-9:00 PM Essex Center

Reading of Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins’s award-winning play Peculiar Sam; or the Underground Railroad (1879) presented by Arminda Thomas.

Arminda Thomas is Associate Artistic Director and resident dramaturg for the Going to the River Festival and Writers’ Unit and a dramaturg, director, writer, and musician with a passion for plays which give voice to diasporic experiences. Thomas holds an MFA in dramaturgy and script development from Columbia University.

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New article on Of One Blood on

Nisi’s Shawl’s recent article, “What Men Have Put Asunder: Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood, appears on sci-fi/fantasy site It will be of interest to scholars of Hopkins and fans of science fiction alike.

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Call for Papers: Hopkins Society at 2019 American Literature Association Meeting

Afrofuturism and Pauline Hopkins

With the release of Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther (2018), Afrofuturism is in the news.  Like Sutton Griggs’s Imperium in Imperio (1899), W.E.B. Du Bois’s “The Comet” (1920), and George Schuyler’s Black No More (1931), Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood (1902, 1903) is an early work of speculative fiction, published almost a century before Mark Dery in 1993 identified Afrofuturism as “[s]peculative fiction that treats African-American themes and addresses African-American concerns in the context of twentieth-century technoculture.” Hopkins’s nonfiction essays in the Colored American Magazine also engage with the alternate histories (and, relatedly, possible futures) with which Afrofuturism often concerns itself. These histories are framed as more truthful than racially biased accounts in the mainstream history books and media in their acknowledgment of the significance of black civilization, innovation, and art in Africa and beyond.

For this panel, we welcome papers on Hopkins and her relationship to speculative fiction and/or Afrofuturism. We also welcome papers that examine the speculative fiction of her contemporaries like Du Bois and Griggs. Papers that make links between Hopkins’s work and later twentieth century and twenty-first century Afrofuturist texts are also encouraged. While we encourage papers on these themes, we also invite proposals on any topic related to Pauline Hopkins.

 Shirley Moody-Turner, Associate Professor of Penn State University and author of Black Folklore and the Politics of Racial Representation, will act as respondent for this panel.

Click here for full conference details and submission instructions.

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2019 PEHS Scholar and High School Awards

In honor of its tenth anniversary celebration, the Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society is pleased to announce its third bi-annual awards competitions for high school students and professional scholars.  Please circulate widely; we invite all submissions ahead of our March 15, 2019 deadline.  For full details, follow the links below.

2019 High School Scholarship and Creative Writing Awards

2019 Professional Scholar Award

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Hopkins Society Sessions at ALA 2018

Friday, May 25th, 3:40-5:00pm
Session 12-D Pauline E. Hopkins’s Activism (Pacific F)
Organized by the Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society
Chair: John Cullen Gruesser, Kean University
1. “Pauline Hopkins and Advocacy Journalism,” Rhone Fraser, Howard University
2. “Racial Transmigration in Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood,” Amadi I. Ozier, Rutgers University
3. “Anti-Lynching Activism in Pauline E. Hopkins’ Contending Forces,” John Cyril Barton, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Respondent: Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Friday, May 25th, 5:10-6:30 PM
Session 13-M Business Meeting: Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society (Pacific C)
2018 PEHS Annual Meeting Agenda

Friday, May 25th, 7:15 PM
African American Literature and Culture Society Reception

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Hopkins Society Panel at SSAWW

The Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society will sponsor a panel at the Society for the Study of American Women Writers Triennial Conference, to be held November 7-11, 2018, in Denver, Colorado.

Past and Future Cultures:  Deep Contextualizations of Pauline Hopkins
Chair:  JoAnn Pavletich

April C. Logan, Assistant Professor, Salisbury University
“Pauline Hopkins’s Cultural (Mis)Appropriations”

Karin L. Hooks, Interim Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, Lorrain County Community College
“The Stenographer as Novelist”

Rynetta Davis, Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
“No; she could not remain single”:  Shifting Perspectives on Single Black Women in Pauline Hopkins’s Contending Forces (1900) and Hagar’s Daughter (1901-02)

JoAnn Pavletich, Associate Professor, University of Houston Downtown
“Critical and Pedagogical Legacies: The Shaping of Pauline Hopkins”

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